Geocoding is the term used to describe converting a street address into global latitude and longitude values.
Street addresses around the world are not always reliable for mapping. But latitude and longitude values provide pinpoint accuracy for all global locations. Therefore, in order to provide accurate pin-markers for CFM church locations, all addresses must be geocoded.
There are three reasons why a church may not show on the map:
1) uses data from the CFM Directory (the book that is distributed at our semi-annual Prescott Conference). Your church must be listed in the directory to appear on the map.
2) Some churches are intentionally hidden, either by request or otherwise.
3) Geocoding of the address in the CFM Directory failed. (Use the search option to see if your church pin is the wrong location.)
If you have confirmed that your church is listed in the CFM Directory and you would like it to appear on, please submit a request.
If you are a pastor and your church is not listed in the CFM Directory, please visit the section on Change Requests for details on being added to the directory.
We use Google to geocode church addresses into global latitude and longitude. Therefore, there are two reasons your church listing is in the wrong location:
1) Your church address is wrong or missing in the CFM Directory.
• will then attempt to geocode just the city/country.
• If that fails, then will use just the country.
2) Your church address cannot be located by Google.
• To solve this problem, you can use the site to pinpoint your church's latitude/longitude, and send them to us.
The CFM Directory contains both the mailing address and the church address. If a church address was not provided, then the system defaults to the mailing address. If your home address is the mailing address, then that is why it is showing.
To resolve this issue, simply follow the instructions on the Change Requests page, and send in your church address. does not store each church's schedule data. can display a link to your church website (if you have provided it) where those interested can obtain specific details on your church. To submit your church website, follow the instructions here.
Contact information for pastors is hidden in order to protect our pastors from spam email, and unwanted phone calls and text messages. (In fact, it is recommended that you never publish your email address on a website.)
If you insist on publishing your personal phone number, email, or other info online, you may do so on your own church website. If you would like to display a link to your website on your church's pin popup info, you can click here for instructions on submitting your church website.
Our email form has built-in spam filters that prevent the submission of certain words or phrases.